Gill Principal Newsletter 3.19.21

March 19, 2021 Newsletter

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday, March 23- School Committee 6:30 p.m.
  • Monday, April 5- Students return full-time, five days!


Dear Gill Families, Caregivers, and Staff,

We are busy planning and preparing for the return of students, five days, full time. I have heard back from many families, and I thank all of you that were able to complete the survey. However, I am still waiting for a number of families and caregivers to indicate if they are returning full time. If you have not yet responded, please click this link to complete the survey. Even if your student is already attending school either two or four days a week, I do need confirmation that families are planning on returning their students for the five-day program. Student spacing upon return will be at least three feet apart and in some cases, more space will be available. All of our medical protocols and mitigation protocols have been working extremely well, and fortunately we’ve had no symptomatic cases. Teachers and staff are continuing to obtain their vaccinations, and we are very optimistic and excited to see the school moving in this direction. I will be hosting an evening event next Thursday evening to answer any questions families/caregivers may have about the 5-day return so please watch your email for an invite early in the week. Families should be aware that depending upon the numbers of Gill students remaining fully remote, it is highly likely that they will be assigned a “remote only” teacher for the remainder of this school year. Please know that this will be a very difficult decision for the school to make, as we understand how important continuity and relationships are in the progress and growth of the whole child. The rationale for this decision is that classroom teachers have expressed the limitations of teaching two groups of students and want to ensure both remote and in-person students are provided with the best support we can provide.

Every year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education releases a report card for each school and district in the state. Just as a student's report card shows how they are doing in different classes, school and district report cards are designed to show parents and community members how a school or district is doing in different areas. Report cards highlight a school or district's strengths as well as any challenges that need to be addressed in order to make sure the needs of all students are being met. Please see the current 2020 report card for Gill Elementary School:


Please register your upcoming kindergarten student here:


Have a wonderful first weekend of spring!
Lisa Desjarlais