Gill Principal Newsletter 10-22-21


October 22, 2021 Newsletter

Dates to Remember:

  • October 29-Crazy Hat Day and K & 1 Halloween parades.
  • November 3-Picture Retake Day-10:15 a.m.
  • November 4- Parent-Teacher conferences- EARLY RELEASE
  • November 5- Parent-Teacher conferences- EARLY RELEASE

Dear Gill Families, Caregivers, and Staff,

The PTO Bonfire was a huge success last Friday evening, with a great turnout. A big thanks to the Friends of Gill and to the emergency responders as well for joining us. It was so great to see the students running around the field in the dark with the glow sticks, having so much fun!

Here are some updates to be aware of:

  • The Gill handbook was distributed last week, and I’d like to alert families to some updates that have occurred since I updated the handbook in the summer. Some practices in a typical year are not allowed during this Covid pandemic, and we are mandated to follow DESE and local board of health guidelines. During this school year, students may not ride on buses if they do not ride it typically. Unfortunately, this means that students cannot go on a friend’s bus for a playdate. My apologies for this inconvenience, but this policy is out of our control. Other changes may come up that contradict what is in the handbook, so I’ll do my best to keep on top of it.
  • Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up in the first week of November. This is an opportunity to connect with your child’s teachers and get in person updates on how they are doing as well as learning more about their day. Teachers are reaching out to schedule conferences, and we will provide virtual conferences upon request.
  • The Gill 100-Mile Club is up and running, and so are the students! If your child would like to participate they can sign up at any time. Today I watched around 30 students running around the field at first recess- their enthusiasm and excitement was tangible.

Wishing you a good weekend!


Lisa Desjarlais,
