Principal Newsletter October 7

Sheffield Spotlight

OCTOBER 7, 2023


Safety is our top priority!

We are going to change our drop off and pick up procedures. Beginning on Tuesday, we will begin a rolling drop off and pick up line. Adults will no longer exit their car and will remain in the line. As you can see by the picture, cars will pull up to the front on the building (one-way only!) so that the passenger side of the cars will be lined up along the sidewalk. All students will exit the cars, on the passenger side only, in the "drop off/pick up zone" section only. In the afternoon, cars will line up in the same manner and teachers will allow your student to enter your car when you are parked in the zone.

A reminder that the school day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:15 pm. Half day dismissals are at noon.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Email ( may be best as it is appears that my phone is not working correctly again or you can call Carrie Burke at 863-9326 and she can reach me.

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Today, Team Sheffield students discovered that the monthly theme for our Book Vending Machine is kindness. All staff will be looking for acts of kindness. Each Friday a drawing will be held and a student from each classroom will be awarded a "gold coin" that can be used to “purchase” a book from the vending machine.

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Students in Grade 2 completed their introductory module in ELA (English Language Arts). They studied the painting I and the Village by Marc Chagall. As a class, students answered the focusing question, “What can we learn from studying visual art?” They talked with a partner about what they noticed and what they were wondering about as they viewed the painting. Then, they discussed what colors and shapes they saw. The more complex question, “What is the essential meaning of the painting?” stimulated a deeper critique of what was happening in the foreground and background of this piece of visual art. Finally, teachers posed the question, “How did Marc Chagall feel about his childhood home?” to help their students make a connection between the artists’ home and their own. To culminate this module, everyone shared what “home” meant to them and how they felt “at home” to inspire personal watercolor paintings.


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We need your help! Only 9 families have signed up to decorate their vehicles and pass out candy, but we need a minimum of 20 decorated trunks to have a worthwhile event. Our deadline to sign up is Friday, October 14th. It's been a few years since we've been able to host fun family events. Come on Sheffield Pride, let's make this happen for the kids!!

Teacher Appreciation

We would love to spoil our teachers and staff during conference time by filling up the teachers' lounge with some yummy treats. We want to offer some easy grab-and-go snacks during this busy time. If you can help, please sign up here: Items can be dropped off at the main office from Monday, October 17th - Wednesday, October 19th. Thank you!

Opt Out

Thank you to the many families who participated in our Opt Out fundraiser. Please know that your generous contributions will be put to good use!

FOS Meeting

Our 2nd meeting will be held on Monday, October 17th from 6:00-6:45 PM in the teachers' lounge. It will also be held virtually, and our meet link can be found here: Our agenda can be found here. If you need childcare, please contact us in advance so we can make arrangements.

Questions or comments? Please reach out to us via email:

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Students who attend school regularly learn more in the classroom and are more successful and involved in school than students who are not present. Students with regular attendance learn to be responsible, successful in the classroom. Regular attendance is critically important, because students who are absent lose instructional time. This is also a lost opportunity to learn, ask questions and participate in class activities. Due to this, students are more likely to fall behind. Poor attendance can be excused/unexcused absences and truancies, which affect academic performance.

A reminder that the school day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:15 pm. Half day dismissals are at noon.


  • Avoid out of town trips, vacations during the school schedule. Plan your family vacations during the summer or school holidays.

  • Schedule Doctor appointments after school if possible.

  • When your student has a doctor’s appointment in the middle of the school day,

    bring him / her to school before or after the appointment.

  • Communicate with your child's teacher to receive missed work if you child is absent.

  • Be an example to your child, that attendance matters. Do not allow an absence

    unless they are truly sick.

  • If you are going through challenges related to acquiring health care, lack of food,

    poor transportation or unstable housing, you can look for support from the school and community. Contact Stacey Langknecht at or Jimena DeParaja for assistance.

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