Principal Newsletter 1/30/2020

  • Tomorrow we have an All School Meeting in our auditorium from 2:15-2:45.  This is an open meeting and all family members are invited to join.

  • Monday, February 3 is a School Council meeting in my office from 3:30-4:30.  This meeting is open to the public and you are invited to attend.

  • Wednesday, February 5 is a half day of school with a noon dismissal.  The spirit day for staff and students is wear your hoodie sweatshirt.  Students and staff can wear a sweatshirt with a hood and wear the hood up all day. As always, this is offered if you want to, not a have to.

  • I could really use your help and support.  There has been an increase in the amount of students swearing at school.  Our students hear adult words on the radio, in television shows and movies, as well as the occasional slip at home in front of them.  Please remind your child (ren) that even though they may hear swear words, they cannot use them on school property. Your assistance in reminding your child of this school rule is greatly appreciated.


With Sheffield Pride,

Melissa Pitrat